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Storage Terms & Prices
Access Hours:
Monday - Friday 9 am - 3 pm
Closed on Saturday and Sunday
Closed on Holidays
New Month-to-Month Contracts:
Required: 1 month of payment at move-in upfront.
The price below includes tax.
Cars, Trucks, Boats, Trailers, Campers, RVs, Motor Homes, Watercraft, Utility Vehicles:
Total Length includes end to end including the trailer tongue.
Ask about our pickup and delivery options within 30 miles of the storage lot
RV and Boat Storage and anything else……. 0’ to 30’, $110 per month on-site / **$100 off-site
RV and Boat Storage and anything else……. 31’ to 35’, $130 per month on-site / **$120 off-site
RV and Boat Storage and anything else……. 36’ to 40’, $150 per month on-site / **$140 off-site
Vehicle Parking (personal use)….……………………. 0’-20’, $80 per month on-site / **$70 off-site
General Terms:
1st month's rent is prorated to the 1st of every month
Late charges of $15 per day apply if payment is received after due date.
You may cancel at any time, we have a “NO REFUND” policy
All spaces are uncovered and there is no electricity/sewer hookup.
Repairs on vehicles/trailers etc. within our storage area is STRICTLY PROHIBITED!!!
We accept; Cash, Credit, Debit, Bitcoin, and Dogecoin in the office (do not mail cash or check).
You can also pay online via Credit, Debit See: Online Payments
No Checks of any kind are accepted.
Liability / Responsibility:
Mesa RV and Boat Storage is in NO WAY responsible for your property - under any and all circumstances.